Monday, January 28, 2008

I am OK!!!

Thanks everyone who prayed for me on Thursday! Everything went really smoothly. I didn't panic or anything. The anethesiologist and the dentist were awesome and made me feel totally relaxed. I remember almost everything. I was really sleepy but I remember him fiddling around in my mouth, but I don't remember him pulling or any pain!! I was out of there in 15 minutes. I was really sleepy for the afternoon. Even after the freezing wore off I didn't have much pain. Actually I was just a bit sore until yesterday when I didn't take my T3 often enough and my jaw ached really back. Today I feel ok as well, my back is more sore than anything. I feel like a cripple old lady crouching around work. LOL.

I don't have time to post more today. I really want to try but not having internet at home makes me a less frequent blogger than I would like!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


So tomorrow the teeth are coming out at 12. Please pray that I will be calm and not nervous and that I won't have too much pain after! I hope everything will go smoothly.

As for the life changes I have been doing ok. Most of the stuff I buy is healthy, but not the stuff I cook! I have been to Curves 2 times this week already and I am planning to go again tomorrow morning before work! I was going to post more but I want to go home now. We really need internet at home again. I am trying to convince Eric I need highspeed.

Friday, January 18, 2008

First Week Is Over!

I am so excited about the weekend! It had been great to be back at work but I am tired. It seems I have been so busy already!! I think this weekend I am going to make a bunch of food to freeze, but we will see. Work has been ok, the same annoying little things are still here, but I am trying not to let them bother me. I thought I had lots to post but I guess not.

I am still trying to metally prepare for the wisdom teeth removal. Please pray it will all go well.

I think I will be posting my favorite pictures from Europe sometime soon, whenever I get a chance, so that should be fun!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

No More Wisdom For Me!

Thanks everyone who gave me encouragement and tips on my last post. I really appreciate that! I really see this as the time to make some changes. I have been thinking about it for a long time so it is time to start doing!

On a less bright note, I paid a visit to the neighborhood dentist today. After the Xray the first thing he said was " This is not going to be fun"... insert cricket chirping and Lindsey gulping.... it was quiet for a while before I said "Are they going to have to come out?" And of course the answer was yes, all 4 wisdom teeth are coming out. Next thursday actually. A week from tomorrow. I am not ready for this. I need a month to metally prepare myself. I opted to get sedation, because I don't think I could sit there awake, I think I would panic. I am almost crying now thinking about it. I am so scared. I am scared of anesthetic, even though I see it everyday, i don't want it to be me. Pray for me and that this will all go well. Plus it is 1000 bucks, something we do not have now. But it is now or in 3 months, and I am scared it will hurt for 3 months. ARGH. This is no fun. Oh, to add to it, there is a 1% chance he will hit my nerve while taking one out and my lip will be numb, possibly for the rest of my life! YAY!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

New Plans...

So Europe gave me PLENTY of time to think about my life. I also learnt alot about myself. Before we left I felt crazy. I wasn't eating properly at all, I felt so disorganized, like I was barely hanging on in life.

So... here is a new plan, however random it may be.

Food wise: I will really limit junk food. I really don't want to buy chips and crackers and snacky food anymore unless it is healthy. Of course sometimes we will, but for the most part I want to try and eliminate that. I also want to keep our fridge stocked with fresh fruits and veggies, so we can snack on those as well. I also want to try and prepare meals on the weekends that I can freese, like lasagna and shepherds pie. If anyone has any other ideas for that it would be great. That way we can have good meals on weeknights that won't be much work and that is ready before 9! I want to try and have breakfast every morning and pack my lunch the night before, so there is no need to buy it.

Health wise: I want to go to Curves 3 times a week, walk 3 times a week and do Pilates 3 times a week.I know it seems like alot. But Curves is only 1/2 hour, my walks will start at 20 min and my pilates is 20 minutes. This is because Eric and I made a deal. I need to loose weight. That is very obvious. Europe only took off about 5lbs. So the deal is, if I loose 25lbs by july I can spend 100 on a dress, 35 I can spend 150 and 50 I can spend 200. It seems like a big goal but it is doable. The 25 lbs is about 1 lb per week, which is the reccomended loss per week. But I know it is possible to do more than that per week. We will see. I really want to do it this time. I have tried so many things. I always give up halfway and say I will do it later. But now I need to do it. this is silly already! If you have any tips or anything that would be great. I really don't want to do on a diet because I know I cant stick to them. I just want to eat healthier.

Money wise: Last night me and Eric made a budget. It was long overdue. We have tried to before and never stuck to it. This time we put more thought and work into, and we have to do it. A wise person once taught us about budgeting, and how well it worked/works for him and his family. But we always gave up because the budget didn't work out in the first month. Then he also said that it takes about 3 months to get on budget. So by April we should be on track! Thanks Mark!

Friend wise: I need to spend more time with friends. I need more friends than just Eric, especially girl friends. So this year I want to MAKE time for my friends, not just hope I have time for them!

Yay! I am excited about our new plan! I really hope we can be diligent and not give up this time! I feel more organized that I ever have before! Here's to a new start! Thanks Europe!

Monday, January 14, 2008

There Is No Place Like Home!

It is so good to be home! I love sleeping in my own bed with my comfy blanket, sitting on my couch watching tv, playing with my puppies. YAY! Being gone for so long makes you appreciate things so much more! Even my dogs are happy to be home. They just want so much attention all the time. They don't want to leave my lap!

Friday we left in the afternoon for Matheson Island. We spent a day there visiting and catching up. I also caugh the flu there! By midnight on Saturday I was feeling sick. Then I puked twice on Sunday morning and couldnt go to church. I havent puked in like 10 years so that was something new for me. I was so sad, I havent been to church in so long! I slept until 12 or so, Eric made me some tea, I drank that and then moved onto the couch. I watched TLC all afternoon and I felt horrible. I kept the tea down though! I had a shower and felt soooo much better! Then we went to Terry and Eloa's for "Christmas". Eloa had made this amazing turkey dinner that I couldnt eat. Instead I ate chineese noodles and broth. And some ice cream.

I thought I would have to miss the first day back at work, but today I feel better. Just a bit dizzy. I missed work! I forgot how quickly the work day goes here! I had a good day today. It wasnt very busy, just enough to break me in a little bit. I love my job. It is fun!

I also got a bit of money today, so I can afford to put some gas in my car and buy some groceries that hopefully will last us until one of us gets paid!

I have had a rough 2 weeks health wise though... Just while we were leaving Paris to travel to London I came down with a wicked bad cough. Then my wisdom tooth started to hurt as soon as the cold went away. That hurt so much I could barely sleep until I took advil. It still hurts a bit. Then I got the flu. Then this morning I was getting a bowl out of the cupboard from the top shelf and a drink mixer fell right into my eye. Right directly onto my eye, not around it. It hurt soooo much. It feels ok now though, and no black eye! We will see tomorrow.
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