Tuesday, July 31, 2007
I need You!
"I Need You"
I've dug up miles and miles of sand
Searching for something I can't see
And I've just got bruised and battered hands
And a brand new void inside of me
Complete with walls I did create
From all the earth that I've displaced
A mess that I have made from what
I've just let pile and pile up
I have not been abandoned, no I have not been
Deserted and I have not been forgotten
I need you
I need you here
I need you now
I need security somehow
I need you
Like you would not believe
You're the only thing I want
Cause you're everything I need
Explore the cave that is my chest
A torch reveals there's nothing left
Your whispers echo off the walls
And you can hear my distant calls
The voice of who I used to be
Screaming out "someone, someone please
Please shine a light into the black
Wade through the depths and bring me back
I have not been abandoned, no I have not been
Deserted and I have not been forgotten
I need you
I need you here
I need you now
I need security somehow
I need you
Like you would not believe
You're the only thing I want
Cause you're everything I need
When my hopes seem to dangle
Somewhere just beyond my reach
You say you've heard my prayers
And read my words there on the beach
I need you
I need you here
I need you now
I need security somehow
I need youLike you would not believe
You're the only thing I want
Cause you're everything I need
Sunday, July 29, 2007
What to say!
Lindsey: Hi, can I help you with anything?
Woman: Yes, we were just wondering if there is anything we can give our dog to make him stop scratching after he has a bath. I don't think it's fleas though. Everyone is telling me it is fleas but my dog does not have fleas. Do you have anything that will make him stop scratching?
Lindsey: It is only after a bath he is scratching?
Woman: Yes, only after a bath. Then the nexy day he is not scratching any more.
Lindsey: Well, what kind of shampoo do you use?
Woman: Baby shampoo, thats the best. People have told me thats the best.
Lindsey: It is actually not that great for dog's skin.
Woman: But people have always told me baby shampoo is the best.
Lindsey: It is the best HUMAN shampoo to use on a dog if you had nothing else and your dog really needs a bath. It sounds like your dog has sensitive skin. You might get away with using it on a dog that does not have sensitive skin, but human's skin has a different pH than a dog's skin pH, so shampoos formulated for human's skin are harsh on dog's skin.
Woman: Oh no, our baby is human, his skin is the same. Can't you just give me something that will stop his scratching after his bath. He only scratches after a bath.
Lindsey: Not really. He is scratching after a bath because his skin is irritated from the shampoo. We have some Aloe & Oatmeal shampoo that would be great for his skin if you would like to try that.
Woman: Oh no, we have tried dog shampoo and it didn't work.
Lindsey: Well your dog probably have sensitive skin and would need a shampoo that is gentle. Do you remember what kind of dog shampoo that was?
Deaf Woman: No. There must be something I could give him to stop him from scratching after his bath.
Lindsey: All we have for dry skin is Omega fatty acid supplements, but his skin is only dry after a bath. The only this I can reccomend to you is a gentle shampoo made for dog's skin.
Deaf and Blind Woman(that would be the only way it was logical to say this): Well, I am just going to keep using baby shampoo, because he only scratches after his bath.
Lindsey: (Silence.... slowly creeps into the back, away from clients)
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Star Lake
Friday, July 20, 2007
I am so tired!
I have been spending time with my horse everynight for the last week and it has been great. I was planning to ride her soon but then she hurt her foot and I couldn't do anything with her. I hope it heals really nice, she is still limping on it, but only on gravel. On grass she walks fine.
Wow, I have nothing to post. This is bad. Maybe I will try again later!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Dirt Boots
Sunday, July 08, 2007
A Crazy Week!
Those are just some pictures I took last week. On Tuesday a family came to look at puppies and put a deposit on one. They might take another one but they need to talk about it. They were a very nice family and I am happy one of my babies is getting a great home! Thats why I hope they take two.
Early Thursday morning I drove Eric to the hospital for his surgery. You can read more details about it on his blog. I shopped while he was in surgery because I couldn't stand to be waiting there. Then when I got back he was really sleepy so I said Hi to him and then let him sleep for a few hours while I read some of the books I bought him. I got back around 2 and I stayed there until after 8. It was boring at some points but I didn't want him to have to stay there all by himelf, with a room full of 9 other surgery patients who he didn't know. He had to stay there overnight so I stayed at my cousin Jodene's for night. I went to get him early in the morning. But that day I was sooooooo tired at work. I even had a long nap in the evening because I was so tired.
Then saturday we packed up and headed to Venessa's ( a vet I work with) wedding near Niverville. It was at a really pretty place called the Evergreen Village. It was set up really nice for a wedding and the food was really REALLY good. Then me and Meghan Gregory had soem fun...
We stole.... er, I mean borrowed some Rhubab from the patch and ate it. It wasn't very good. We also put out feet in the fountain and took our pictures by the arch. It was fun!
This is a picture of Eric and I at the wedding.
After the wedding we went to a movie and stayed at Eric's grandparents for night. Then we woke up early and headed for Grand Forks to pick up our new puppy!
And this is our new baby, Remy. He is so cute. Eric thinks he is the cutest puppy he has ever seen. He has an attutide though.
This is Remy's dad, Rio. He is the tiniest thing I'v ever seen. He is a whole 3 pounds full grown. So cute though.
Then we attempted to go shopping. We only attempted to go because when we got to Target, I realised that I had lost my wallet! The only place I can remember having it was in the bathroom at US Customs. I remember taking it in, putting it on the toilet paper dispenser, but I don't remember taking it out. I feel so stupid. So I only had 60 bucks US on me, so we could only afford a few dog treats, a kennel and some lunch. Of course when we got back to the border my wallet was gone from the bathroom and no one has turned it in there. So naturally I started bawling. Then we drove to Canadian Customs and they were so good about. I was crying, like an idiot, standing at the desk. But they just asked me a few questions and let me back into my home. They didn't even really hassle me about the puppy I brought back. So hopefully somebody found my wallet and will send it back, but I will still have to get all new stuff. The only thing that will be a real hassle is the birth certificate.
Right now my baby puppy is sleeping at my feet, because he is scared of all the dogs. Maeve was really mean to him when she first saw him, very aggressive, not in a mean way, but with her body language. I was a little overwhelmed when I got home, but I feel better now. I need to go to bed now though. I can't wait to go camping this weekend, without having to take care of anything. I can just sleep all day! It will be great.
Monday, July 02, 2007
I can tell today is going to be a stellar day! Instead of starting with three beautiful things that have happened this morning, I will start with three sickening/crappy things that have happened. I know, I am such a positive pigdeon.
- I woke up to Maeve's kennel being full of bandaging. Yep, she decided it was time to start tearing her bangade apart today.
- Then she proceeded to take a huge crap on my rug after being outside.
- Then Kathleen called to tell me the round pen was too wet for me to work my horse in today. That is three days in a row that I can't work with her that I wanted to. Sat and Sunday it was raining, and now today it is too well ARGH! Frustrating
I guess I can be positive about things। I have to change Maeve bandages today anyways. But if she is as repeat offended she will have one of those satelite e-collars on her head so fast she will not know what hit her! And I should have walked around more outside with her so she could poop. But I have no control over the horse thing. I think Maeve dedicated today to be a complete jerk. Because right now she is sitting on the leather couch, which she is NOT allowed to do. I should go. I have alot of house cleaning to do today. And I have to feed my babies! I hope your day started out better than mine!
Sunday, July 01, 2007
New Things!
- a new blog layout (as you can see)
- a new blog
- new hair
- new rain ( oh wait, the rain is getting really old already. ARGH!)
- a new car
- a new home
Well.... the last two are in my dreams. So I finally decided to switch up the look of my blog, but only a little bit. Blogger doesn't give you much selection and I only like the dots. Plus now I can use all the pretty light colors of text that you can't see on a white background.
I don't have a new blog, but Eric does. He decided to make his own finally. It is called Eric's Thought's and the link is already on my sidebar. He is having surgery in a week so he wanted something to do while he recovers. It is pretty funny already... to me anyways. I love him, he's a doll!
And yes... my new hair. It was so bland and boring for so long. So I went to Melanie in Riverton and kind of told her what I wanted. It turned out great! I LOVE IT! And so does everyone else. I actually have a style now. Since I can't ever have a normal expression in a picture, this is all you get!.
Oh, I also added one of the AdSense things on my sidebar, so if you feel so generous please click on it every time you come to my blog and help me get some extra cash. Yeah I know, I stole this idea from Jobina. Thanks though! That's all for now!