Sunday, March 30, 2008
Oh yeah, the babies...
My babies are doing fantastic! I officially named them Shaquille O'Neil and Steve Nash, but we call them Shaq and Nash. Nash's eyes are starting to open. He is growing really good. I am so happy with them. I can't wait until they are ripping around. Paris was also bred yesterday and three days ago, so I should have another batch due on May 30th! YAY!
A Little Bit Crazy!
This weekend has gone by soooo fast! It is crazy. Friday night I baked until 2 am. We made pies, cookies, muffins and cinnamon buns. I was so wiped afterwards. Then the next day we help Jay move and they made us yummy burgers. We made another batch of cinnamon buns at the school.Then we decided to stay home cause we were exhausted from the busyness of the last 24 hours. My heel was killing me. It has been hurting since a few weeks into the Europe trip, but it was really bad last night. Eric got our foot bath all ready for me (such a great guy) and I soaked my feet in there for like an hour. It also vibrates and bubbles and has a bumpy bottom. It was like gettting a foot massage. I couldn't believe it, but my heel has felt sooooooooooooo much better since! I am going to do it again tonight!
Today I have spend the day organizing baking stuff, selling the extra, quilting and trying to organize/clean the house. We also got our computer back so I updated out budget. It is so nice to have it up to date!
The weather/snow today is horrible. The roads are so bad and our truck gets stuck everywhere. I can't wait for the snow to melt so I can drive around normally. Even more I can't wait to afford a new vehicle!
Now I am off to make more pies ( 2 apple), so we can eat them tonight! I can't wait. All this baking this weekend and I barely got to eat anything!
Today I have spend the day organizing baking stuff, selling the extra, quilting and trying to organize/clean the house. We also got our computer back so I updated out budget. It is so nice to have it up to date!
The weather/snow today is horrible. The roads are so bad and our truck gets stuck everywhere. I can't wait for the snow to melt so I can drive around normally. Even more I can't wait to afford a new vehicle!
Now I am off to make more pies ( 2 apple), so we can eat them tonight! I can't wait. All this baking this weekend and I barely got to eat anything!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Travel Club
Today our practice manager, Eileen, left for a trip to Spain and Portugal for 12 days with her son's travel club and it got me to thinking. I would love to start to travel club in Riverton for teenagers. Maybe even for anyone. We could fundraise and see all sorts of places. Some places I would love to take people to would be Greece, Italy (Rome, Pompeii, Capri) and Spain, and Paris. There is so many places I would love to go back to already. I also would like to go to Brazil, and possible some other South American countries. Yeah, the travel bug is back, the glad to be home bug is gone for a long time. Do you think something like this could work in Riverton? I know they used to have something like before I was in highschool, but I wonder if it could work now.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
The Aftermath...
I feel like I am living in the aftermath now, after this weekend. All weekend I felt like I was in a haze. All I could think about were the puppies, the long weekend went by so quick. I think we are out of the woods now though. In total, I lost 5 puppies, so I have two left. I tried my best to keep them alive, but it just wasn't meant to be. I was a little depressed for a few days, but I feel better now. We named the big guy Shaq and will probably name the little guy Nash, for contrast. The little guy needed some assistance getting attached to the teat, but I came home yesterday and saw him latch on several times all by himself! I jumped for joy. I hope these guys make it!!!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
They are not OK, I am not OK...
Yesterday when I got home, I found that my two beautiful blue baby girls had passed. I bawled so hard. Why didn't I come home sooner. Why didn't I take the supplies home yesterday. I tube fed and gave sub q fluid to 4 of them. But it was too late. Within two hours I had lost my little black and tan girl. All I have left are my four black and white boys, and even they are not doing great. I am afraid of losing more of them. I am trying my best, and there is not a whole lot more I can do. Please pray for them, and for me. I am going crazy, I can barely sleep at night, and I worry all day long. Even though I know this is how it goes sometimes, it doesn't make it any less heartbreaking.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Here I am, sitting at work on Easter Friday. I just collected a bunch of supplies for the babies. 5 of them are not doing so great. I need to give them sub q fluids and tube feed them if I have any hope of them making it. I hope they are still all alive when I get home. I am so scarad, worried, stressed. Paris' litter went so well, and Fleury's is looking so grim. At least Mom is doing ok, and I will have at least 1 puppy after all this. But to lose so many. I have already bawled a few times. But I am trying to tell myself this is how it goes, if I want to be a breeder I have to take the bad with the good, but it is still hard to lose such a tiny beautiful life. I need to get home and try my best for these little guys...
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
We're So Miserable and Stunning
So last night was a major flop. :( I was so exited. I make sugar cookies with green icing, white cake with half dyed green and swirled in and green icing, it looked very cool, limade, shamrock shakes( pistachio milkshakes), and veggies (green pepper, cucumber, peas, and broccoli) with dill dip and a bowl full of different green candies. I had green plates, green napkins and green straws. It looked so cool seeing all the green together. I was so proud....
.....and then 3 people showed up. We waited for a while, phoned Joel and made him come, tried to call a few more people. It was just Sarah, Jay, Sean, Joel, Eric and Me. Jensen showed up very late. I was dissapointed. No, actually, I was crushed. I still am so crushed. So much planning, work and money went into that and nobody showed. There was like 15 people missing. At least I had a good lunch today.
Now, I am very appreciative of the people that did come, I don't want to down play that. I think they enjoyed it. We had a good time even though there was few. We played Boggle. I was loosing for a long time and on the very last round I caught up and won! Then we ate and watched TLC. We didn't watch a Nooma video because there were too few people there.
I guess I get and E for effort, but F for flop for this party.
.....and then 3 people showed up. We waited for a while, phoned Joel and made him come, tried to call a few more people. It was just Sarah, Jay, Sean, Joel, Eric and Me. Jensen showed up very late. I was dissapointed. No, actually, I was crushed. I still am so crushed. So much planning, work and money went into that and nobody showed. There was like 15 people missing. At least I had a good lunch today.
Now, I am very appreciative of the people that did come, I don't want to down play that. I think they enjoyed it. We had a good time even though there was few. We played Boggle. I was loosing for a long time and on the very last round I caught up and won! Then we ate and watched TLC. We didn't watch a Nooma video because there were too few people there.
I guess I get and E for effort, but F for flop for this party.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Gotta be green, gotta be mean, gotta be everything wrong....
I am so excited for tonight. We are having college and career at our place, and it being St. Patrick's day I have some pretty sweet plans. Not that St. Patt's day is extra special or meaningful or anything to me, but I like to have fun! Everything we are going to eat tonight is going to be green. EVERYTHING! I think I am even going to go get green napkins and cups and plates after work, if the dollar store is still open. I was goingpost what kind of food I am making, but I don't want to ruin the suprise for everyone today so I changed my mind. Tomorrow I shall let everyone know what it was and how everyone liked it!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Daffodils, Motivation, Personal Money and Horsey Smells
This week I bought two bunches of Daffodils from the Canadian Cancer Society. I love them. They are so beautiful. I always try to buy some every year, but some year it passes by without me remembering. I am so glad it didn't this year. I love having fresh flowers on my table, but that is not very often, so what better the occasion than supporting a good cause. I will post some pictures when my compy is fixed.
This weekend I have again motivated myself for the next week. I have already been outside for 3 hours today, and I still have to walk home! It feels great. I am also setting the goal of going to Curves everyday this week before work. I will do it and I can do it and I have to do it. My motivation this time was shopping, forgetting what size I was cause I hadn't been shopping for pants in like 6 months, and bringing 5 pairs of one size too small jeans to the dressing room and getting all undressed only to realize they are too tight. ARGH. I also there is alot of clothes out there I would LOVE to buy, but I just don't fit anything nice. So this summer is the time to fit them! This is rediculous, I can't stay this shape forever. It is not very attractive.
On another note, I LOVE the concept of having personal money. It means I can spend the money whatever what I want to, it is worked into the budget and it doesn't affect anyone else! It is like guilt free shopping. I don't have to feel guilty later that I spent more money on myself then Eric got to, cause it used to be that way and it was very unfair. Mark and Jobina introduced us to this idea, and I must say, it is brilliant! But I only have 15 bucks left this month from it now, cause I went a little crazy!
I just spend a lot of time with my horse and cleaning out her pen with Kathleen. I forgot how wonderful my horse is, she is so sweet and gentle. I can't wait to start riding her again! I hope to ride her way more this year than last year! Now I smell like a horse and it is beautiful.
Another wonderful thing about today is Eloa's homemade chocolate cake. It is the most delicoius thing I have ever had in my life. Whenever she askes what dessert I would like, I always say that. I just had like 4 pieces cause I can't resist it. She is the best cook in the world. It is really hard to live up to that. Poor Eric had to downgrade when we got married. At least he is a good sport and tell me my food is good, even if it isn't that great. I love that guy lots!
This weekend I have again motivated myself for the next week. I have already been outside for 3 hours today, and I still have to walk home! It feels great. I am also setting the goal of going to Curves everyday this week before work. I will do it and I can do it and I have to do it. My motivation this time was shopping, forgetting what size I was cause I hadn't been shopping for pants in like 6 months, and bringing 5 pairs of one size too small jeans to the dressing room and getting all undressed only to realize they are too tight. ARGH. I also there is alot of clothes out there I would LOVE to buy, but I just don't fit anything nice. So this summer is the time to fit them! This is rediculous, I can't stay this shape forever. It is not very attractive.
On another note, I LOVE the concept of having personal money. It means I can spend the money whatever what I want to, it is worked into the budget and it doesn't affect anyone else! It is like guilt free shopping. I don't have to feel guilty later that I spent more money on myself then Eric got to, cause it used to be that way and it was very unfair. Mark and Jobina introduced us to this idea, and I must say, it is brilliant! But I only have 15 bucks left this month from it now, cause I went a little crazy!
I just spend a lot of time with my horse and cleaning out her pen with Kathleen. I forgot how wonderful my horse is, she is so sweet and gentle. I can't wait to start riding her again! I hope to ride her way more this year than last year! Now I smell like a horse and it is beautiful.
Another wonderful thing about today is Eloa's homemade chocolate cake. It is the most delicoius thing I have ever had in my life. Whenever she askes what dessert I would like, I always say that. I just had like 4 pieces cause I can't resist it. She is the best cook in the world. It is really hard to live up to that. Poor Eric had to downgrade when we got married. At least he is a good sport and tell me my food is good, even if it isn't that great. I love that guy lots!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
My New Blog Name...
So some of you might have noticed the blog name change, and wondered why is is called "notes from a crazy person". Well, I think I am crazy, but something confirm oit for me. I showed it to Eric the other day and his reply was "It's perfect. Your are crazy." Enough said...
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
I Love Spring, But I Miss My Husband!
Today was sooo beautiful! It feels soooo much like Spring! Everything is melting and the sun was shining. It's the kind of weather that makes me want to dance and sing! Too bad I have to spend most of the day inside! I try to go for a walk at lunch though when it is this nice.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Wonderful Youth!
Last night we had a great Youthnite, even though it was unexpected. There was only like 8-10 kids there and we usually have 15-20 or more. We started with announcement as usual and I told them about the missionary we support and asked them to try and give a little bit of money each Youthnite. They totally suprised me. Within like 30 seconds we had enough money to cover the cost for the month! Then we played games and had everybody laughing. The singing time was better than usual, we even had kids excited to sing the last song. Then we moved on to bible study, which didn't really happen. We took prayer request and praise items and prayed for most of the time. We talked about worrying and being stressed out and many of the kids found bible verses to read. Matthew 6:32 really stood out to me. Then Andrew was reminded of a song in the Hymnal (What A Friend We Have In Jesus) and we all sung it very heartily. I was so impressed with them. Andrew said it sounded better than church on Sunday morning!!
Last night was so encouraging for me. Sometimes we talk about how the youth these days are hard to get excited about things, how they are too cool to participate, and sometimes it makes us not want to work as hard planning things for them, but last night was amazing. Those kids love God and they want to learn more about Him. And it makes me want to do the same!
Last night was so encouraging for me. Sometimes we talk about how the youth these days are hard to get excited about things, how they are too cool to participate, and sometimes it makes us not want to work as hard planning things for them, but last night was amazing. Those kids love God and they want to learn more about Him. And it makes me want to do the same!
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
I am done!
It's official! I am sick of winter. I am sick of cold, I am sick of snow, I am sick of my ABS brakes kicking in. WHY CAN'T SPRING COME NOW!! I guess I am doing pretty good though, I am usually through with winter on Jan 2nd. I am glad I got to miss half of it this year! A treat I will not get to experience again for a very long time! I am just not the winter type, although I love the smells of spring, so I guess I need winter for that. It winter was 2 months and summer was like 6-8, that would be sweet. I could deal with that!
Monday, March 03, 2008
DO I!!!
So I went! I left work a little bit early as a reward and I went to Curves! Yay! I am so glad I did it, even though I didn't enjoy it that much. Then I got home and went for a 20 minute walk with my dog. So now I only have 2 more Curves sessions and 2 more walks this week to get on track. Plus 3 pilates sessions but that is a stretch....hahaha I am such a Mennonite....
Do I or Don't I?
I know the answer is "Do I", but I just don't feel like it... EVER! I am trying to decide whether or not to go to Curves after work. I don't want to, but I know I should. I would rather get home early and take my dog for a walk, but I might not even do that! My life changes had been a whole lot harder that I had hoped, but I knew they would not be easier. I am eating healthier stuff, but I am still tempted by Eatmore bars, hot chocolate and all kinds of yummy desserts. I mainly drink water, but lately I have had a few too many Pepsis. IT IS SO HARD and I am soooo struggling with it. I still want to loose weight and feel healthier by summer. I want to spend more on a dress. But so far there has been no progress... I have felt way more organized since I have got home from Europe, but I feel like that is starting to unravel as well. The busyness has come back and so has my craving for staying home as much as possible. This week there is something up pretty much everynight. Only Tuesday is free, but Eric isn't home then either so I will feel lonely... Oh! What's a girl to do?
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