Week 2 of the running schedule is run 1 minute, walk 1 minute x 10. So we run for a total of 10 minutes this week, with a shorter rest period. So far, so good. I still can't imagine running for 2 minutes straight next week will be easy, but we will cross that bridge when we get there! We still have 3 days left of this interval.
I love running. I love running first thing in the morning. So far we have had good weather each morning, no rain. We get up early enough that it is still cool. This morning we went at 730, it was still cool, but I think if we had gone any later it would have gotten warm. Running is a great way to start out my day.
With all this running, you would expect that I would be loosing weight. But no. The scale is staying the same (Eric and I FINALLY bought our own bathroom scale the other day, so now the readings will be consistent) I am still telling myself the weight loss will come with time, but being human, I need some immediate gratification! My diet is not great right now. I mean, eating a handful of chocolate chips, and when I mean a handful I mean as many chocolate chips as my greasy paw can possible hold on to at once, is not exactly conducive to weight loss or a healthy lifestyle. That is just not a habit I want to hold on to.
I am thinking of reading Thin Within again. I never really finished it last time, and I know I said I would take things one step at a time, but this eating needs to get reined back in! Or maybe I should wait a few weeks until I get the hang of this running thing.
I also need to start working my muscles. Running as cardio is great, but I know I need to weight train as well if I want to be as healthy as possible! I joined the gym in Gimli with a friend. I haven't gone yet, but I will tomorrow. I will probably only go for a month. I think it is kinda yucky, and I would rather do P90X at home. That way I know I am working all my muscles properly and not leaving anything out.
Does anyone know of a good Yoga DVD that I could try? The P90X one is 1.5 hours long and that is just too much for me at a time. 45 minutes would be perfect, but I could do an hour it if is really good.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Thank you so much for praying! I really appreciate it! The test went very well, I got in a bit early and was done fairly quickly. And the best part of all is that everything looked fine and there are no blockages, "unofficially". They cannot tell me for sure until the final report, but the radiologist was in the room for like 20 seconds and said everything looked good. So I am not worried. I am so thankful that I am over and done with this step, and I am looking forward to the next one!
If you think of me today at 1:30, please pray. Pray that the test gets done, that is will be as pain free as possible and that the results will be good.
Thanks! :)
Thanks! :)
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Week 1 of 10
Tomorrow Sarah and I start our 10 week running plan. So by the end of the summer we should be running for 20 minutes without stopping. Right now 1 minute is hard.
This morning I started the schedule, running for 1 minute, walking for 2 minutes- six times, then run 1 minute, plus warm up, cool down and stretching. And it was HARD. I can run for a good 45 seconds, but after that I just want to stop!
I am very glad to have a partner to run with, it is so much more motivation! I am excited for us to get fitter and healthier together!
This morning I started the schedule, running for 1 minute, walking for 2 minutes- six times, then run 1 minute, plus warm up, cool down and stretching. And it was HARD. I can run for a good 45 seconds, but after that I just want to stop!
I am very glad to have a partner to run with, it is so much more motivation! I am excited for us to get fitter and healthier together!
Saturday, June 19, 2010

I started running last week. I am terrible at it. But that is to be expected. I have talked to a couple runners this week that said they could barely run 30 seconds when they started, but now, one of them at least, can run for 2 hours without stopping! Actually both of them are running in the marathon this weekend! Now if that isn't encouragement....
So I am going to press on. I am starting slow, going out for 20 minutes. My short term goal is to run for 20 minutes without stopping. When I reach that goal, then I will run for longer. My long term goal is to run for an hour.
I have been going to bed earlier and getting up earlier to go for a run. I think that will work best for me, because I know I will not feel like running after a long day of work. And I think I am going to love it. I do love the feeling of running, but I don't love how I feel after 30 seconds of running!
This is going to be the start of a healthier lifestyle for me. I have tried so many diets and exercise plans, and I will probably try some more. Not diets so much, but exercise plans. I like switching it up. But I always try to change everything at once, and I get burnt out. So this time, I am going to fit running into my schedule. Once that become a habit, I am going to start working harder on my eating habits. I am still going to try eating as healthy as possible in the mean time, but I am not going to stress about it! I think taking little steps will be longer lasting that changing everything at once!
On another note, I passed my Fitness Theory exam! So my first step of becoming a fitness instructor is complete! I still have much more to do though...
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Happy Birthday!
Monday, June 14, 2010
I have debated for a long time over whether to go into detail about some of our fertility treatments and stuff, and I decided now I will. Perhaps it will add some interest to this blog. So to get you up to speed, it has been over 2.5 years of trying, I have had tonnes of blood tests, an ultrasound, a MRI, I am currently on a daily medication/vitamin schedule to help control the PCOS, and we have tried 4 unsuccessful rounds of a fertility drug called clomiphene (Clomid).
Today I was scheduled for a hysterosalpingogram, which is sort of an video xray to see if my fallopian tubes are open. I was waiting for the appointement for a long time, and really looking forward to getting it over with so we can move on with other fertility treatments. I gowned up (YAY) and went into the xray room. They started asking a bunch of questions, and then realized it was too late in my cycle, and they don't normally do them that late.
The doctor came in to talk to me, I tried to convice her to still do it, but she said we would have to reschedule. Like a baby, I immediately burst into tears. I felt so dumb, but I just couldn't help it. It was just so disappointing. I am just sick of waiting for appointments. Because I was so upset, they scheduled me in for another appointment in two weeks. I am sure I made it really awkward for all of them, and I don't really want to go back there cause I feel so dumb. I hope it is different people....
It also hurts extra cause this is not the first time I have left an appointment in the city empty handed. A couple months ago I had an appointment with my ob/gyn but she had to rush out for a procedure and they had to reschedule. Which means I had to take another day off work and I wasted that trip into the city. Same with this, I took a day off work for nothing, and now I have to take another one off. Having a baby is NOT supposed to be this complicated, people!
Today I was scheduled for a hysterosalpingogram, which is sort of an video xray to see if my fallopian tubes are open. I was waiting for the appointement for a long time, and really looking forward to getting it over with so we can move on with other fertility treatments. I gowned up (YAY) and went into the xray room. They started asking a bunch of questions, and then realized it was too late in my cycle, and they don't normally do them that late.
The doctor came in to talk to me, I tried to convice her to still do it, but she said we would have to reschedule. Like a baby, I immediately burst into tears. I felt so dumb, but I just couldn't help it. It was just so disappointing. I am just sick of waiting for appointments. Because I was so upset, they scheduled me in for another appointment in two weeks. I am sure I made it really awkward for all of them, and I don't really want to go back there cause I feel so dumb. I hope it is different people....
It also hurts extra cause this is not the first time I have left an appointment in the city empty handed. A couple months ago I had an appointment with my ob/gyn but she had to rush out for a procedure and they had to reschedule. Which means I had to take another day off work and I wasted that trip into the city. Same with this, I took a day off work for nothing, and now I have to take another one off. Having a baby is NOT supposed to be this complicated, people!
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
Wedding Rings
I haven't worn my wedding rings in weeks. Truth is that I was not really sure where they were. I thought for sure they were somewhere in my house. This past Saturday was the first real time Eric and I had looked for them. We didn't find them, but I wasn't too worried, I figured I would find them when I cleaned the house. Saturday and yesterday I prayed that I would find them. They have probably been missing for two months or so.
Today a co-worker, Coralee, walked up to me with a ring in her hand and asked if it was mine. Sure enough, it was my wedding band. She had just found it in the rubber door liner of our front loading washing machine! I had no idea they were even at work! I must have forgotten them in a scrub top pocket and they went through the machine. My engagement ring, however, was not in the liner. Nor was it under the machine or anywhere in the laundry room.
It just so happens that our washing machine had not been working great for the past couple days, so today the repairmen came to fix it. I told them that my wedding ring was possibly lost in the machine. He thought it was probabl y in the pump. I asked if my ring could be causing the problems, and he said no. He asked how badly I wanted my ring back, and I asked him how easy the pump was to get into. He said easy, so I said I wanted him to check for it. After all, it is worth more than the washing machine itself!
I thought he would come tell me right away when he found the ring, but when I went in to check on him, he was all done fixing it and I didn't think he had found it. Until he held it up and asked me if I wanted it back! OF COURSE I wanted to back! It was pretty dirty, and a bit tarnished! But I am just so thankful!
Now, I am amazed at the way God orchestrates things:
-had Coralee not found the first ring, I would never have known they were lost at work.
-had both rings been in the pump, I would NEVER EVER have found them.
-had our washing maching not been broken, the repairman would never have been there to retrieve my ring from the pump, nor would I have known it could even get into the pump.
Eric is now saying that we are getting them recoated with rodium so I don't have allergic reactions to them, and then I am never allowed to take them off. And he wants to buy me a chain to wear them around my neck if I ever need to take them off. This is not the first time I lost them. The first time I lost them in the turkey barn and Terry found them with a metal detector. I was lucky a turkey didn't eat them!
Thanks God, for caring about every little detail of our lives.
Today a co-worker, Coralee, walked up to me with a ring in her hand and asked if it was mine. Sure enough, it was my wedding band. She had just found it in the rubber door liner of our front loading washing machine! I had no idea they were even at work! I must have forgotten them in a scrub top pocket and they went through the machine. My engagement ring, however, was not in the liner. Nor was it under the machine or anywhere in the laundry room.
It just so happens that our washing machine had not been working great for the past couple days, so today the repairmen came to fix it. I told them that my wedding ring was possibly lost in the machine. He thought it was probabl y in the pump. I asked if my ring could be causing the problems, and he said no. He asked how badly I wanted my ring back, and I asked him how easy the pump was to get into. He said easy, so I said I wanted him to check for it. After all, it is worth more than the washing machine itself!
I thought he would come tell me right away when he found the ring, but when I went in to check on him, he was all done fixing it and I didn't think he had found it. Until he held it up and asked me if I wanted it back! OF COURSE I wanted to back! It was pretty dirty, and a bit tarnished! But I am just so thankful!
Now, I am amazed at the way God orchestrates things:
-had Coralee not found the first ring, I would never have known they were lost at work.
-had both rings been in the pump, I would NEVER EVER have found them.
-had our washing maching not been broken, the repairman would never have been there to retrieve my ring from the pump, nor would I have known it could even get into the pump.
Eric is now saying that we are getting them recoated with rodium so I don't have allergic reactions to them, and then I am never allowed to take them off. And he wants to buy me a chain to wear them around my neck if I ever need to take them off. This is not the first time I lost them. The first time I lost them in the turkey barn and Terry found them with a metal detector. I was lucky a turkey didn't eat them!
Thanks God, for caring about every little detail of our lives.
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