Well, not for me anyways. I put off all the stuff I was supposed to do yesterday until today! YAY! Now I have to quickly eat my delicious and nutritious lunch of chocolate chip cookies and milk and race off to town to do some cleaning. I really don't want to do that anymore, but I really want highspeed internet so I will keep pressing on. I just wish there were 10 more hours in every day, life would be a lots less stressfull. But then again, those hours would probably just get filled up anyways. ARGH! You can never get ahead.
One highlight of my afternoon so far had been watching my tiny puppy, Nash, trying to cuddle and make friends with a rope bone that is bigger than him. First he tried to fight it, then he cuddles up and sleeps with it. Over and over again! Here are some pictures:
1. Nash and his friend/enemy
2. Nash close up