Thursday, April 30, 2009
The Key
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Two Babies?
Eric came with me to the city. I was so glad to have help with Conan and company. We went to Olive Garden for lunch and got the soup salad and breadsticks. MMM Zuppa Toscana is the best soup ever! I only had one bowl though, then I was full! Then I went to Fabricland and spend far too much time in there. I bought a pattern for dresses that I will attempt to make for this summer. I would love to make a bunch of them for my little cousin Charlee. I bought some really cute fabrics for that as well! I will post pics when they are made. I am still working on sewing blakents for the craft show on Wednesday.
About 1/2 hour ago I sold another puppy! Flanna has a new family and 4 kids to play with!! Right now there is only 4 left, and after tomorrow, there will probably only be two! I can hardly beleive that! I am so happy they are all going to good homes and families that will give them the attention they deserve!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Why I MUST Be Crazy
If the world is sane, then Jesus is mad as a hatter and the Last Supper is the Mad Tea Party. The world says, Mind your own business, and Jesus says, There is no such thing as your own business. The world says, Follow the wisest course and be a success, and Jesus says, Follow me and be crucified. The world says, Drive carefully - the life you save may be your own - and Jesus says, Whoever would save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. The world says, Law and order, and Jesus says, Love. The world says, Get and Jesus says, Give.In terms of the world's sanity, Jesus is crazy as a coot, and anybody who thinks he can follow him without being a little crazy too is laboring less under a cross than under a delusion. - Frederick Buechner
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Biking To Work
Monday, April 20, 2009
New Look! :)
What Else...
Sunday, April 19, 2009
12 Year Old Me
Saturday, April 18, 2009
The Weekend So Far...
The rest of the weekend we just spend hanging out with my parents. We kept the two Irish Setter pups inside and they were SO GOOD! They were pretty calm and they didn't wreck anything! Makes me want to have them out in our house more! I feel so bad for them stuck in that room! They really need homes that they can hang out in and a family to love them! They are such sweet puppies!
My house is SLOWLY getting cleaning. Today I finally went through all my instock Partylite stuff, as you can see from the previous post! I can't believe all the stuff I have. It is rediculous! I need to get it out of my house! I have been hoarding things away that I know I will not use for years, so some of the stuff I am selling I was planning to keep. But I just don't need all that right now. If I ever want it, I can just buy it again or buy something else. I will not die.
I would like to think that my house is slowly getting more organized. Lately I have been getting better at doing housework after work, so my house is staying a bit cleaner. The only problem is when I am busy for a few days in a row, then it becomes a tornado again! I have to learn how to stop that and keep my house clean even when I am in a rush!
Lindsey’s Partylite Spring Cleaning
** indicates an item or scent no longer available.
1. Elegance Stemmed Votive Holder Quintet Reg.89.95 $40
2. Scents of Illumination – Tuscan Vineyard Wine Glass Reg. 31.95 $20
3. Scents of Illumination – Champagne Pear Reg. 31.95 $20
4. Whispering Pines Votive Tree 9.5” Reg. 15.95 $10 **
5. Whispering Pines Votive Tree 12.5” Reg. 19.95 $15**
6. Spooky Time Votive House Reg. 32.95 $20**
7. Universal Tealight Tree Reg. 9.95 $5 x 2
8. Brocade Luminary Reg. 39.95 $30
9. Scents of Ambiance Diffuser – White Bloom Reg. 22.95 $15
10. Santa Train Tealight Holder Reg.59.95 $30**
11. African Inspiration Baby Elephant Reg. 32.95 $20
12. Hurricane with Antique Brass Hanger Reg.59.95 $30
13. Ruby Red Taper Holders Reg.19.95 $10**
14. Symmetry 3 in 1 Holder Reg. 51.95 $40
15. Twig & Leaf Multi Candle Holder Reg. 49.95 $30**
16. Sparkle Lite Crystal Angel Reg. 59.95 $30
Hand Wash and Lotion Set Reg. 29.95 $20
1. Mandarin Basil x 3**
2. New Leaf and Aloe x 1
Just Desserts Bowl Reg. 29.95
1. Mulberry Vanilla Delight $20 x 2
2. Caramel Pear Brulee $30** x 1
3. Ginger Pumpkin $30** x 1
Present Jars Reg. 24.95 $15
1. Mango Tangerine x 3
2. Iced Snowberries x 3**
Barrel Jars Reg. 24.95 $15
1. Tamboti Safari x 1
2. Herbal Mint x 1
3. Tonka Bean x 1
4. Crème Caramel x 5 **
Mini Barrel Jar Reg. 11.95 $8
1. Tamboti Safari x 1
2. Tonka Bean x 1
3. Strawberry Rhubarb x 1
Votives Reg. 18/dozen $8/box of 6
1. Cherry & Papaya x 6**
2. Grapefruit Fresh x 2
3. Orange Sherbert x 1**
4. Tangelo Mojito x 1
5. Island Nectar x 1
6. Acai Berry Mist x 4
7. Tuscan Vineyards x 2
8. Calm Waters x 2
9. Honeydew x 3
10. Mango Tangerine x 1
11. Red Currant & Black Plum x 3**
12. Orange Cranberry x 5**
13. Raspberry & Thyme x 1
14. Velvet Rose x 1
Tealights Reg. 11.95 $10
1. Red Currant & Black Plum x 6**
2. French Vanilla X 4
3. Iced Snowberries x 2**
4. Tamboti Safari x 4
5. Cinnamon & Bayberry x 3**
6. Mango Tangerine x 2
7. Grapefruit Fresh x 3
8. Seaside Mist x 1
1. Acai Berry Mist Body Butter Reg. 27.95 $15
2. White Gardenia Truffle Scents of Ambiance Oil Reg. 29.95 $15 x 2
3. Coconut Milk Chocolate 3-Layer Mottled 3x7 Pillar. Reg 23.95 $15
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Crisis Averted
Today the sun is hiding from me again, so I am thinking I will spend the day sewing! There is a craft show is a couple weeks I am setting up a booth at, and I would like to have as many blankets as possible made So far I have two. LOL . That is bad...
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Going Sandbagging!
The east side of Riverton was evacuated this afternoon because of the flood threat! Pretty much everyone I know is sandbagging or has already! It is pretty cool to see everyone in a community band together like this!
I don't think Riverton ha flooded since my mom was a teenager. I have seen pictures of her standing by the bridge with everything flooded! Pretty crazy! I hope this sandbagging will help!
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone on the MTS High Speed Mobility Network
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows!
Today we were blessed with a beautiful, warm, sunny day! I am so thankful! I got Eric to bring the bike home from his parents and I took Maeve and Finn on bike rides, seperately! It was Finn's first time so I was pretty nervous he would pull me over, but he was good! AND I actually think I tired him out! Maeve is always good! She loves to run!
My horse pasture is almost all free of snow! It is still pretty wet though, and there is a big puddle right at the entrance. I just HATE that. I want to put like 10 truckloads of sand there. It just bothers me. I know it is going to be a mudpit everytime it rains in the summer. ARGH! Because of that I have to carry the hay out to dry land, which is interesting! Today I also enjoyed brushing the horses in the sunshine! They are shedding like crazy, I brush and brush until my arms are sore and there is STILL hair coming out! I can't wait to see how Chai looks without his 4 inch long hair. And I swear Zaiyah will be brown in a couple years. Each year she gets more and more brown spots on her grey coat. I love her, she is the sweetest horse ever!
I also sold another Irish Setter puppy today. I have to fly him to BC!! I am SO NERVOUS about that, but I know people do it all the time. Another guy came to look at them today. I hope him and his gf come back to buy one. They said they go running 4-5 times a week. That would be PERFECT for a setter! Someone is also coming to look at them tommorrow. That would leave us with three! A little more manageable I think!
And a picture!
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone on the MTS High Speed Mobility Network
Monday, April 13, 2009
Usually my colds are bad for 2-3 days and then it gets better. This is day 6 already and it is still hanging around! I hope this is the last day, I need to get back to normal life!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
One major thing that happened in the last month was me reading the Thin Within book. I am not done yet, I have missed many many days. BUT God has helped me GREATLY. Last month I love 15 lbs and 16.25 inches! WOW! I did not think it was possible. I can't believe I have tried to loose weight WITHOUT God's help before! No wonder I failed!
We also still have 6 Irish Setter puppies left. Talk about STRESSFUL. They are $350, so please buy one! All the Chihuahua are gone! My first litter to sell that fast! I miss them.
Monday, April 06, 2009
Awesome Website!