Friday, October 10, 2008


Eric is away tonight and I have no motivation to clean the house, which leaves me bored and lonely. I hate sleeping without him! I guess all the dogs get to sleep with me tonight.

Today I wasted my time driving to Selkirk for a Dr. appointment, only to find out my test results were not in. I had called my doctor in Gimli to check if they were in and they said yes, but apparently they were wrong! ARGH! Now I have to go back next week. On the other hand I LOVe my new doctor. She is so kind, explains things well and reminds me of a Grandma. Like a younger Grandma. At least I got KFC and did some shopping at Wal Mart.

Right now I am burning like 11 non partylite candles! WHY? Because I wanted to test out some brands so I could compare them to Partylite. I will share my results of the research when I am all done. I know Partylite does their own testing of other brands, but I wanted to do ones that people have mentioned to me. So far I have some interesting results!


Anonymous said...

SO...what were the partylite candle burning results?

Lindsey Dueck said...

i am not quite done yet!

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