Saturday, January 04, 2014

No Sugar New Year

Has it really been almost 3 months since my last post? Yikes, talk about quiet. In my defence I have been quite the busy lady getting ready for the craft sale season and such, I didn't have much time for extras like blogging.

In fact I have many other things I could be doing now while Tallet naps, but I wanted to share about my new challenge I have given myself.

I have declared 2014 my No-Sugar New Year. I have challenged myself to go without sugar for the entire year. Today is Day 4 and so far so good.

I am looking to my Trim Healthy Mama book a lot. I am not going completely back on plan just yet, but they have a lot of great sugar free recipes. Yesterday I made a chocolate nut slab, fudge and tummy tucking ice cream, all of which are amazing. With recipes like that, it will be easy to stick to this.

My biggest challenge however will not be at home, it will be when we are at others people's places and they serve treats. It will be hard to say no. But as long as I know I have yummy chocolate fudge waiting for me in the freezer, I should be good.

Eventually, I would like to go fully back on the THM plan, but I need to take baby steps. Every time I start something new I go all-in, and I never stick to it. I want to make one small change at a time, and hopefully it will stick for life. If all I do for this entire year is give up sugar, then so be it. There is always next year to make another change. I have been dieting on and off for 12 years. If I make 1 small positive change for the next 12 years and actually stick to them, I will be way further ahead then trying to make a enormous life change all at once.

I am hoping to blog a bit more as well. Even thought I am sure the few readers I did have long since abandoned this page. At least it will be here for me to read back on one day!

Happy New Year Everyone! 


Gina said...

Yay! A post. I've been checking faithfully. :)

Lindsey Dueck said...

Thanks Gina! It's just me and you! ;)

Anonymous said...

nope, i still check in too Lotta ;)

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