Ever since I have been home from the road trip, it has been go, go, go. I have had a few Partylite shows because I am trying to get that started up again. There is so many other little things to do as well, I feel like I have barely been home. I have snuck a few hours here and there in the evenings, but not much. I just miss my home. Not to mention it is a total disaster. Far from the clean organized space I was SO CLOSE to having before we left on the trip. Oh, how things can go downhill so quickly.
I have started working at the vet clinic 3 days a week again. I am really enjoying it so far. Last week I helped save a 3 lbs Chihuahua from the brink of death. I managed to get a catheter into his tiny dehydrated veins on the first shot! It was so rewarding to watch him go from cold and lifeless to bouncing around and playing! That's why I do what I do. I am excited to only be working 3 days a week, that will give me more time to focus on Partylite, to care for my animals, and to be a decent housewife. I am actually excited for the fall to come so I can finally have some structure to my life. This summer was good, but it was crazy busy! I just want to feel boredom again! I want to have time to sew! I just need a baby and then I can stay home full time! How awesome would that be?
If you want boredom girl, a baby is SO not the answer! If you want to not have any time to put into yourself and want to give, give, give and only get on the rarest of occasions...if you want to worry that you aren't contributing financially and feel bad for not bringing in income, THEN have a baby.
(Guess how I'm feeling lately!)
Oh,I know I won't be bored with a baby. In fact I don't even like to be bored. By "bored" I mean have no other commitments so I can sew or knit or perhaps play the piano!
What I want is to hold a tiny little person in my arms and decide how it looks like me or how it looks like Eric. I want to feel it move and kick. I want to pick out names, and buy clothes and set up a baby room. I want to know what it is like to be a mother. I want Eric to be a father, cause I know he will be an amazing one! There are so many more reasons why I want a baby. I am even willing to puke my guts out at this point. Hopefully God has one, or a few, in the plans sooner rather than later for us.
Now THOSE are good reasons!
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