Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Call

Today I got the call that my appointment at Heartland Fertility Clinic is moved up from October 18th to THIS FRIDAY!! I am so pumped! I cried at work and had my coworkers jumping up and down for me and giving my hugs!

I feel like I have been given back some hope! God is certainly great.

I am so thankful the waiting time has been cut short, it was killing me. I am excited to get things moving forward again. I can't wait to be a mom!


Jobina said...

yay, I'm so happy for you two!

Anonymous said...

Okay... you have to explain - what is this appointment for? I'm a bit lost...Mal

Stacey said...

That's so awesome :) I hope it brings good things.

Connie said...

awesome news Lindsey. trusting that the subsequent appts/treatment will continue to be filled with unexpected accelerated hope-filled events. God's on your side, remember? :D

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Very happy for you. Which Doctor are you seeing?

Anonymous said...

So happy for you! Which doctor are you seeing?

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear the great news that I will be an Auntie!!!!!! Fingers crossed for you!!! And then we can go clothes shopping for your baby!!Had a trial run last night!!! :)

Lindsey Dueck said...

I don't know who our doctor is! She said the name on the phone, but I don't remember it!

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