We had our consent signing/injection training today at Heartland. It went great and I am excited to get started!
I am not going to lie, I am very nervous about starting injectables. It just seems like such a giant step from what we have done in the past. Unknown territory. And at the same time I am excited to move on.
Right now I am on BC pills until January 4th. Then when AF arrives I start Suprefact injections for 4 days. Then on the third day of Suprefact I also start 150mg injections of Gonal-F. I will do this for 6 days then I got for some bloodwork and an ultrasound to see how I am progressing and then they will adjust from there.
sounds exciting and scary at the same time! I so hope your dreams will come to be. :)
Injections are daunting at first ... but you will do just fine. Thinking of the end result helps ... or have your hubby tell you a story ... that's what I do.
Its exciting to be starting a new chapter!!!
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