24th - Eric and I had our own Christmas. We did stocking and opened out gifts, but slept too late to make breakfast! LOL! It was a good afternoon! And I finally got a new straigtener and it is awesome! I was still snipping quilts and washing them that day. In the evening we headed to my cousin's place for Christmas. Apparently I was supposed to bring homemade buns, but nobody told me! LOL. My cousin Mallory and I always exchange gifts, and this year she gave me an Easy Bake oven! LOL I was so pumped! I have wanted one for SO LONG and for the last couple years I have told people to buy it for me but no one has! YAY! I had a great time with the family, and during the gift exchange game, I got #1! The best number to have. I picked a really nice frame that I have the perfect spot for in my living room! Late that night we drove out to my parents at Matheson Island.
25th- Of course we didn't sleep in much with my bro around, so we work up pretty early and opened gifts there. I got and beautiful knit purse from American Eagle and matching gloves, among many other things including a spice rack. We really needed one of those. I was sick of always knocking 10 spices out of the cupboard everytime I want to use 1! Then we drove back to Mennville and spend the afternoon and evening with Eric's parents. We had a great time there as well! We got good knives from them! Finally. The only knives we have is a $10 set Eric bought from some dude in a WalMart parking lot. LOL.
26th - We headed to the city for a gathering of Eloa's family. The whole family was there this time! We played some good games of Carcassone ( I love that game) and ate amazing food! We were going to go to a movie but we ran out of time!
27th - The Dueck gathering at Grandpa's house. I hade lots of fun at this one. We played lots of Blokus and Apples to Apples (Got both of those as well). We went to Dahlen and Chantal's for a bit after to hang out with Ryan and Kelsey before they went home so we got home pretty late. Eric got Batman Begins and The Dark Knight from Grandpa, so we watched all of Batman Begins and half of the Dark Knight. They are awesome movies!
Today! - After all the busyness of the past 4 days, we took today to relax. I got a bunch of cleaning done, we finished watching the Dark Knight, we went for a fun walk in the bush with the big dogs, watch Marie Antionette, and I got alot of knitting done for my new baby blanket. I took the old one apart and I am following a pattern on this one. Looks much better already. Now I can smell the Chili simmering! MMM. We might be heading to the cabin tonight for a little bit!
Stay tuned, tomorrow I have a VERY BIG annoucement that is going to change my life! Exciting!
On Monday we got our Christmas photos from Walmart.( I know! WAY too late!) I got 60 printed and thought it would be WAY too many. Turns out it was not nearly enough. So if you did not get one, I am sorry but here is our picture! Next year I will print more, but it is too late now!

Great picture! Now I'm ANXIOUSLY awaiting your news! Oh, and congrats on winning the rice cooker!
I got Apples to Apples for Christmas as well, so I was thinking of pulling that out (or maybe Cranium, I got that as well) at New Year's!
I think I know what the news is, but maybe not...we'll see I guess!
I'm still waiting....
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