I have debated for a long time over whether to go into detail about some of our fertility treatments and stuff, and I decided now I will. Perhaps it will add some interest to this blog. So to get you up to speed, it has been over 2.5 years of trying, I have had tonnes of blood tests, an ultrasound, a MRI, I am currently on a daily medication/vitamin schedule to help control the PCOS, and we have tried 4 unsuccessful rounds of a fertility drug called clomiphene (Clomid).
Today I was scheduled for a hysterosalpingogram, which is sort of an video xray to see if my fallopian tubes are open. I was waiting for the appointement for a long time, and really looking forward to getting it over with so we can move on with other fertility treatments. I gowned up (YAY) and went into the xray room. They started asking a bunch of questions, and then realized it was too late in my cycle, and they don't normally do them that late.
The doctor came in to talk to me, I tried to convice her to still do it, but she said we would have to reschedule. Like a baby, I immediately burst into tears. I felt so dumb, but I just couldn't help it. It was just so disappointing. I am just sick of waiting for appointments. Because I was so upset, they scheduled me in for another appointment in two weeks. I am sure I made it really awkward for all of them, and I don't really want to go back there cause I feel so dumb. I hope it is different people....
It also hurts extra cause this is not the first time I have left an appointment in the city empty handed. A couple months ago I had an appointment with my ob/gyn but she had to rush out for a procedure and they had to reschedule. Which means I had to take another day off work and I wasted that trip into the city. Same with this, I took a day off work for nothing, and now I have to take another one off. Having a baby is NOT supposed to be this complicated, people!
That's nasty, though I'm so glad you got to have it rescheduled for so soon. Ob/gyn's are notorious for booking patients when they're on call. I've had to wait over an hour many times only to be told that they've gone to the hospital...and that's while trying to entertain one or both of my kids for that long!
Be stong Lindsey - just be strong
Ugh, the road of infertility is so so not fun. I understand all too well... Have you tried to get on at Heartland? They are wonderful there.
Yeah, we have an appointment October 18th at Heartland, and we are on their waiting list. I can not wait.
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