This past week I was working at the Arborg clinic. I was being the receptionist/tech. For the first four days it was a little slow and boring at times. Making the day take forever. But on Friday everything changed. I was so busy all day and stressed out because people made me feel like I wasn't doing anything properly or fast enough. It is hard to be both the receptionist and the tech at the same time. When I got home I was soo tired and my body ached everywhere. We went to Eric's parents for supper and I only ate 2 pieces of pizza! I usually eat 4-5. I was just too tired to eat. Then we went to Dahlen's and I read my new magazine, Equus. It is really good. I have learnt alot about keeping my horse healthy from there already!!
Today was kind of busy too! I slept in until 11:15 (Finally!!) and went to town and picked up my parcel. It was my Victoria Secret order! Yay! I was down to one bra that fit me properly, so now I have four. And I got a bunch of cute (and comfy!) underwear, and some other stuff. Then I cleaned the house a bit and did dishes. At about 4 I went to the farm to deworm Zia. I forgot the halter so I just had to use the rope. Me and Eric met Cam there and he came back with us. We tried to catch Zia for a while but couldn't. So Cam said "Lots of people don't know this about me, but I am a pretty good cowboy" and tried to lasso her. It did not work at all. Finally I got the rope around her neck and made a quick rope halter. The actual deworming portion of the event took 10 seconds. Zia was really good. She just lifted her lip in disgust a bit but didn't try to spit out the stuff at all. Misson complete. Then I went home and started supper. Then Bryan and Kathy invited us over for supper. So I took my stuff ( Italian sausage and pasta) over to their place and we ate my food and Kathy had made a taco bake (which was REALLY good) and salad.
Right now it is 1:20 and I am working on a rag quilt for my mom's friend for her birthday. I am not really in the mood to sew at all (which explains why I am blogging instead). She has been asking me to make this for weeks now. And she wants it by monday. I have had the material cut and mostly sandwiched for a while, but i really didn;t feel like sewing. Eric is out with Cam right now, so I will probably sew till he gets home or until I fall asleep at the sewing machine. I guess I should make the most of my time and get back to work now!
1 comment:
first of all.. i love the pictures! that mcd's run was somehting else. whish i'd been there for that! lol second- i'm glad you had a full and busy w/e and that that's why you didn't call back! :) honestly- i'm glad... i would have hated it if you hadn't gotten my message and then just sat around bored and lonely... but now you had fun and you know i tried, right?
hope this week goes good for you!
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