Just when I thought life was crazy it just got crazier! Paris is going to pop anytime so she requires extra monitoring. And then Maeve broke her leg on Thursday night just before bed. She was running around loose outside and I was calling her in. She just game ripping towards me at top speed, jumped to get on the deck and didn't quite make it. Her legs and body and head all hit the deck hard and she fell backwards. I knew it was broken right away and I started screaming and crying. I immediatly called Venessa and she was already at the clinic so we took her in. She casted it that night. But the next day when I got home from work her foot was swollen so I knew we had to get it off. So yesteday (Saturday) I went into work and we took the cast off and put a splint on. Yesterday and Today I really noticed she is alot more comfortable and happier with the splint. I still breaks my heart to watch her hobble around. It is so sad. But the vets convinced me to put a pin or two in her leg, so on wednesday she is going to get a pin put in.
Paris has been acting a litte different today, so I am wonding if tonight is the night. Probably, she is going to have her babies tommorow because it is June 4th and Eric has plans for out anniversary which we will probably have to cancel now. I will probably be up all night tonight with her. When I look at her right now it looks like she is starting to pant! I am gettting impatient for these babies to come, but I was really excited about Eric planning suprises for our anniversary. I still am. I think this post is getting really random and I should stop now. Thanks for listening!
Happy Anniversary!!
I keep wondering if Paris is a mommy yet!! Is she?
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