This weekend has gone by soooo fast! It is crazy. Friday night I baked until 2 am. We made pies, cookies, muffins and cinnamon buns. I was so wiped afterwards. Then the next day we help Jay move and they made us yummy burgers. We made another batch of cinnamon buns at the school.Then we decided to stay home cause we were exhausted from the busyness of the last 24 hours. My heel was killing me. It has been hurting since a few weeks into the Europe trip, but it was really bad last night. Eric got our foot bath all ready for me (such a great guy) and I soaked my feet in there for like an hour. It also vibrates and bubbles and has a bumpy bottom. It was like gettting a foot massage. I couldn't believe it, but my heel has felt sooooooooooooo much better since! I am going to do it again tonight!
Today I have spend the day organizing baking stuff, selling the extra, quilting and trying to organize/clean the house. We also got our computer back so I updated out budget. It is so nice to have it up to date!
The weather/snow today is horrible. The roads are so bad and our truck gets stuck everywhere. I can't wait for the snow to melt so I can drive around normally. Even more I can't wait to afford a new vehicle!
Now I am off to make more pies ( 2 apple), so we can eat them tonight! I can't wait. All this baking this weekend and I barely got to eat anything!
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