Tonight I was honored to plan/hold a baby shower for my friend Sarah and her son Griffin! It was a lot of fun! We played three games, because both Sarah and I LOVE games! First, everyone got a "necklace" with 10 safety pins on it and they could not say 'baby'. If they did and someone caught them, they would have to give up a safety pin. And if they caught someone else saying baby, they could take a pin from them. The woman with the most pins at the end of the evening won a prize pack (of bath products from Cyan Sea)
The second game was a relay. There was two teams of 4, and each person had to do a task. They were to eat 3 arrowroot cookies and then whistle, eat a jar of baby food, drink 250ml of milk from a bottle and changing a dirty diaper. The team that finished first did not win because we realized that she had gotten "poop" (peanut butter) in the babies mouth! HAHA! The winners each got a lip balm from Cyan Sea.
The third game was Guess The Poop. There was 10 diapers filled with 10 different chocolate bars and everyone had to figure out what kind of bars they were. The winner got 7 correct and won the remainder of the chocolate bars.
There was a great turn out, lots of good food and lots of baby snuggles.
wow lindsey! what a great baby shower you put on. good for you! and good for sarah and griffin too! :)
ah yes, the Guess the Poop game! I remember that from Riker's baby shower :o)
Thanks for blessing Sarah and Griffin with a baby shower Lindsey, that looks like it was really awesome! Plus you got people to try your bath stuff!
These games are hilarious!!! I'll have to remember them for "someday" in the future. What a great host you are!!!
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