Tuesday, April 03, 2007

My new family member!

Yesterday Eric, Paris, Fleury, Spitfire and I got a new family member. Her name is Maeve ( it used to be Charm but Eric & I changed it) and she is a two year old Irish Setter. Her owner wanted to get rid of her, and was going to euthanize her. I has been thinking about getting a setter. The vet, Wendy, had told the owner to try and find a home for her, but she couldn't, and had lost her patience and just wanted the dog gone. She said she wanted to get rid of her because she always runs away and didn't like her Neufie puppies. But when she came in she was such a sweet beautiful thing, and there is nothing wrong with her, so today i brought her home. She has been great so far, she is very docile and calm inside. I love it. She is also very shy so that is something we have to work on. The only this is she doens't take treats from me, so it will be a problem when it comes to training her. But I am sure she will warm up soon. She has even warmed up while she has been home tonight!


Anonymous said...

aww cute dog! Can't wait to see her! Have an awesome week!

Sarah Boaz said...

Lindsey she looks so pretty! I am super jealous of your dog population, one of these days I will get myself a dog!
i can't wait to meet her!

Stacey said...

You're going to need a bigger house soon!

. said...

now i get to see a bigger picture! she's gorgeous... or at least her up-close snout is! lol... i'll have to come by and see all of her soon!


ps- thanks for the fun nite (was that w eek ago already?!?!) @ your place. i loved hanging out (and even dozing) w/ you!

Kristoph said...

Hey there Lindsey.

This is Adam Lever here. Mostly I am here to let you know we have started a blog, and hope to keep it up to date. The address is http://lintcdueck.blogspot.com/ Oh, and I think that is a nice looking dog. My parents have one that looks very similar to yours. You should come and see them sometime. Well take care and Happy Easter.

Kristoph said...

Ok, it's me again. Appearently in my copy and paste session to add your blog to ours, I had yours in copy last, thus leaving your blog address for you. Well, here is our blog address now. http://loveandbliss.blogspot.com/

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